Senin, 21 Oktober 2013


Oh muslimah
Allah cinta kepadamu
Rasulullah kasih kepadamu

Oh muslimah
Berbahagialah kau telah dilahirkannya dengan mulia

Tuhan telah berkati wanita yang cukup ilmu
Rendah hati

Oh muslimah
busanamu menutup rapi
auratmu kau lindungi dengan indahnya

Oh muslimah
kau rajin memuji
Islam kau jadikan ikutan sejati

Oh muslimah
memandangmu menyejuk hati
menundukkan nafsu hati yang goyah
Keayuan wanita solehah indah peribadi
Tulus hatinya

Oh muslimah
Kecantikan yang sebenar
Pada tutur kata penuh berhikmah
Mempertahan kehormatan dirimu
dengan pakaian mentaati Allah

Oh muslimah
Kau masuk ke syurga
Solat lima waktu dan berpuasa
Menundukkan pandangan matamu
Mentaati suami yang tercinta

Oh muslimah
Kau rajin mengaji
Islam kau jadikan
Ikutan sejati

“Wanita itu dinikahi kerana empat perkara iaitu kerana hartanya, kerana keturunannya, kerana kecantikannya, dan kerana agamanya. Maka pilihlah olehmu wanita yang punya agama, engkau akan beruntung.”

Tak Perlu Aku Ragui
Sucinya Cinta Yang Kau Beri
Kita Saling Kasih Mengasihi
Dengan Setulus Hati

Ayah Ibu Merestui
Menyarung Cincin Di Jari
Dengan Rahmat Dari Ilahi
Cinta Kita Pun Bersemi

Sebelum Diijabkabulkan
Syariat Tetap Membataskan
Pelajari Ilmu Rumahtangga
Agar Kita Lebih Bersedia
Menuju Hari Yang Bahgia

Kau Tahu Ku Merinduimu
Ku Tahu Kau Menyintaiku…Oh…Kasih
Bersabarlah Sayang
Saat Indah Kan Menjelma Jua
Kita Akan Disatukan
Dengan Ikatan Pernikahan…Oh..Kasih

Di Sana Kita Bina
Tugu Cinta Mahligai Bahagia
Semoga Cinta Kita
Di Dalam Redha Ilahi
Berdoalah Selalu
Moga Jodoh Berpanjangan

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013



Untuk apa kau menyintaiku
Orang yang tak punya apa-apa
Kau akan kecewa
Setelah kau tahu
Siapa aku sebenarnya

Bukan aku tak menyintaimu
Tapi betapa diriku malu
Kau si raja harta
Ku raja sengsara
Antara kita jauh berbeda

Aku orang kecil
Engkau orang besar
Engkau ibarat gajah
Aku hanya semut merah
Lebih baik kau dan aku
Berkawan biasa 

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013



Assalamualaikum, today i'd like to share about my past experience about self confidence training in Lenggong Perak. That time i was 16 years old and i was studying at RMC. so we had some activities during school holiday break. students from others school went back but for RMC students, we got something much more important than holidays.

I don't actually remember for how many days we were there.i think maybe 3 days or more. It was a great moment for us one squad that time.we altogether form 4 students went there and. Act we have 8 companies which is Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf and Hotel. For those who are in army you guys know this terms all, right?

we are from dash 5 dorm.

some members of my squad...

we altogether one squad board the same bus.

Act that time i was excited and also felt nervous because these activities will actually 'test' my bravery and my mental. KL journey to Lenggong took time for about 7 hours. That was a very long and cold journey.

i can stil feel the coldness in the bus this time...

If im not mistaken we arrived around 9pm that night at Lenggong. the signboard clearly said that welcome to recreational area of lenggong. So we as military student that night prepare ourself with short briefing about the activities we are going to do in the next day.

So that night we slept in the hostel they provide for us,So the next day, we had some kind of self confidence training. they let you go in the river and you need to swim for about 1km.

it was really hard for me coz i cant swim that time. i dont even know how to float myself. it was so terrible and some of my friend also has drifted away from us and they used a boat to catch him.hahaha so funny and scared also.

in front of our hostel

during i was 16 years old.

perak river.

some of my fox squad

our home made raft

the classic one.

so many activities such as flying fox, we learn to make our own made raft and it was quite interesting coz i learned to be creative. we made our own raft by using tire tubes and bamboos.

it was very exciting and my group won the second place.its okay because the first group was cheating. that time werent enough paddles for us. besides our members were too many and we cant make it.

the other activity i like is flying fox. of course this is my first experience and i hope i can enjoy it.

some of my batchmates.

my lovely fox squad

happy face 

i can still remember the condition of the river. so scary and so many rocks on the river. this means if you fall it can be a bad disaster.

no mama and no papa with you that time. they will scold you they will treat you badly so that you are brave to face anything. I dun actually remember coz it was 5 years ago but i can still remember the bad things we have face together as a squad.

This time we were junior. So they trained us hardly because we are still can consider as 'fresh meat' that time. So what to do. We cant say no or what and we just follow the rule.

The only thing we must know is that our school has spent so many money on us. We know the money also our parents money so we dont want to waste this comes once and if you fail to grab it then you are a loser. But its good because it makes you to work harder than before the first trial.

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013



Assalamualaikum. Hai semua, share sikit pasal tajuk best friend. Setiap manusia pasti memerlukan teman. Xkisah la siapa pun teman kita tu lelaki atau perempuan, kita pasti perlukan teman untuk menceriakan hidup kita. Kadang-kadang teman boleh bertukar jadi lawan dan begitu juga sebaliknya. Teman ataupun kawan tidak hanya merujuk pada satu jantina sahaja tetapi secara keseluruhan.

Waktu kita susah dia ada untuk bantu kita. Benarlah kata pepatah "teman ketawa senang dicari, kawan menangis sukar didapati". Kadang-kadang teman itu hanya muncul setelah kita punya sesuatu yang menguntungkan dia. Bila kita dah xde apa2 dia berlalu pergi begitu sahaja. Jadi tanya pada diri kita sendiri adakah kita sanggup menitiskan air mata demi kawan kita?

Jadi saya punyai kawan2 yang sy rasakan mereka adalah kawan sy buat selamanya. Bak kata kawan baik saya, its hard to find someone sincere. Jadi dulu masa zaman sekolah dulu ada la sorg mamat ni namanya acad (nickname). Kawan dari form 2 dulu. Mcm2 kenangan yg kami lalui bersama n mmg best kenangan tu...

Masa balik dari kedai buku..hehe kami mmg suka p kedai buku..

masa ni kami buat rekod cycling sejauh 27km. masa ni form 4 rasanya. after penat cycling kt jalan2 kampung kan....

masa ni kami kt jambatan.jambatan ni la tempat aku g sekolah dulu naik basikal.

ni la jambatan yang menghubungkan kampung aku dengan bandar teluk intan..

Ingat lagi masa dulu naik basikal masa form 3. Aku akan racing g sekolah. Budak-budak lain pergi sekolah makan masa hampir 20 minit la. Aku amek masa 12 minit je.haha.

Masa ni kami jalan2 pusing2 tengok jalan baru dibina..

Masa ni bermulanya zaman kemajuan handphone kan. So masa tu mmg berebut la orang nk beli phone semua. Ada N gage la handset daun la sabun la apa lg aku pon xtahu. Masa tu aku xde lg HP sb mak bapak aku xkasi guna lg. 

ni kt kampung sg manik, teluk intan. Ohh i love kampung life la :)

Kampung aku kt teluk intan ni mmg ada mcm-mcm pemandangan. Ada sawah padi, getah, kelapa sawit n so on..Kami cycling penat kan so rehat kejap la.hehe.

ni namanya sg kerawai.budak2 mandi kt sini selalu. Teringat masa zaman aku kecik2 dulu berkubang dalam parit.mmg best.

He just simply walk away....

Aku n member aku ni akan berjalan-jalan bila kami free. Bila aku masuk RMC kami akan keluar bila aku ada cuti..Tp sekarang dah xboleh keluar lagi sama2 sebab ada tugas masing2 sudah :)

Lagi pula aku dah berpindah ke selangor masa tahu 2009. Jadi kami terpisah la susah nak jumpa dah. Aku masa tu masuk matrix dan dia masuk UiTM. Jadi kami paham akan kami sudah dewasa n harus berdikari n tempuh dunia baru :)

Bila aku masuk matrix, haaa cerita lain pulak yang jadi.. Di sini aku jumpa dengan dua org kawan aku. Sorg melayu n sorg lagi india. Satu malaysia la katakan.

Apa yg bestnya ketiga2 kami berjaya melanjutkan pelajran ke overseas dalam bidang perubatan.

aku n kawan aku nasir..

zaman matrikulasi mmg serius best. Its hard to describe what we have gone through matrix. Its the sweetest memories ever. From there i learned the value of life, learn to socialise n learn how to adapt with different kind of person. 

The same thing happen to my another best friend, Sureender Thanapalan. We have gone through so many sweet and also bitter memories there. Seriously i love matrix life because of the environment, people surrounding, facilities provided, lecturers and so on lah.

From there also i learned how to maintain my emosional feelings toward studies and other things. Eventhough im not so good in matrix but i think i have learn something much important than academic things all.

 During exam weeks, we made something useless. instead of study, we made things such as we wasted so many of our kredit utk call manusia yg sedang belajar.. . We called them and say ridiculuos things all.

"err encik, encik dapat medic kt iran"- sejak bila pulak iran ada medic ni..lolz.
"cik, cik dapat tawaran berlakon kt australia. Gaji 50k"- she was like "hah??"
"hai awk,,,sy dah lama minat awk.."-she said that "sape ni??"

we laughed to the max that night. people struggle to study and we done nothing instead of disturbing people..hahahhahahaha..we stayed up that night and stud a little only.that day we got BIOLOGY paper only..

Ohh during math exam, heaven again. we didnt stud for that paper coz too stress right. We went to playground and lepaking there having yogurt. We shouted loudly and speak nonsense.hahahaa..

During chemistry time, ohh we study laaa..suren n me study hard that night n its like serious mood that time. Alhamdulillah we can answer the paper.

Ohh matrix i love it...damn love it.

for me the sweet memories are more than bitter memories. Hate to those who make me sad during matrix time :)

pergi toilet masa lecture snap pic satu dua..haha

lab time.. :)

whats this? heheh


"my matrix life"


Minggu, 10 Februari 2013



Assalamualaikum. Hari ni nk share sikit pasal birthday opah ku. Loghat org Perak cakap grandmother as Opah. So last year family sebelah mak aku sambut hari lahir opah aku yang ke-82 bertempat kt Hotel Shangri La Kuala Lumpur.

Best rasanya bila dah ada anak yang ramai yang turut meraikan birthday bonda yang tercinta :)
Happy birthday opah!!!

Pak Ngah n opah

sorry camera senget :D

jangan terliur k...

mak long siti ku..

my mother n her beloved sister :)

bibik ku (belakang kerusi roda) yang sentiasa jadi geng aku kt rumah.hehe.

barisan cousin ku yang sudah berkahwin...


keluarga bahagia :)

sedangkan aku di sini sendirian xdapat join..sob3..

Semoga opah dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki..amin..

Selasa, 22 Januari 2013



Asslamualaikum and good morning. So today is about my birthday. Act its not today but a long time ago..
so for my  birthday last year i thought nobody will celebrate my birthday because all my friends were busy with exams so that they have no time to celebrate anyone's birthday. Even it was a simple celebration but i appreciate it very much. Thanks guys.

First of all they got no cake to celebrate. So they decided to make it as suprise. That time we were celebrating Hari Raya Aildilfitri. That time my friend Azuan prepared some dishes so that we can celebrate together because that time we were in Padang and didnt go back to Malaysia.


some of my batchmates and my junior.

I thought it was okay then some of my friends came to me bring small sliced cake
Although it was a very simple cake but i really happy because some of them still have effort to celebrate my birthday even with one candle and few slices of cake :)

me and my big brother Suppiah Anarsalam

birthday boy.


cut the cake :)

My friend Azuan and I.

I was shocked with the suprise and really happy for this suprise :)

Somemore they prank me with some kind of flour and it was exciting ;P

thumbs up.

and for now i have to clean myself for one hour! haha watch out shampoo and soap!

Okay thats all. Thank you.